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Changes (revisions) to Pik-28 aircraft plans

On the drawing menu (the previous page), one has access to valid drawings. If you are starting to the doing of a part, always fetch drawings just before the beginning of the making, in which case you use that newest version. From time to time, we make mistakes, or better ways are detected. Some of the changes are problems connected to flight safety, in which case the changes also are published as compulsory service bulletin (SB). If a way to do it easier or weight saving is possible, and the change is minor, it is seen only as a change in the drawing. Or it also is told about it with the service letter (SL).

It is also possible that the change is carried out to an actual construction method as a version. In that case, it will be seen in the drawing list as an alternative.

Below is a chronological list of changes. The newest is on top of the list.