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Printable model of Pik-28 airplane

Firstly made as a design tool, we created a 1:8 scale model. You can print this model with a 3D printer, not in one evening, nor on the weekend. There are lots of parts, and the model is quite large.


Print files

Print files are available in STL format. So you need to slice them for your printer. They can be downloaded from here.

General notes of 3D printing

We assume that you know how to print. And what setting you need to use. Some advice on large-scale printing can be read here. They have a selection of printable aircrafts available that are comparable in size. Though their planes are intender for flying. This is not.


The scale of the model is 1:8. It is not an exact scale, e.g., walls are adjusted to 0.7 mm (in the model) to be printed. About the minimum, you can print. The model is divided so that all actual frames are included. A setting pegs are added to make assembly easier. The picture shows a peg (on the left) and a corresponding hole (on the right). The model does not need an assembly jig as the real thing needs.

As the scale model is an error-correcting tool for design, it lags behind actual design.

In the photo below are the three first modules of the fuselage clued together. Modules F4, F5, and seat frame lose.